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June 28, 2019

Displaying Waypoint Titles & Improved Project Sorting

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1. Display the titles of all Scene waypoints on your sheets in the Web Editor. Turn the displaying of titles on and off in the sheet full-screen mode as you need it. Just click on the “Show Titles” icon on the right-hand side icon and the titles of your Scene waypoints will show up. Showing the titles can come in handy when you or your stakeholders are looking for a certain location and turning them off provides everyone with a clear overview!

2. In the Enterprise Dashboard, you will now see the date the last picture was captured in a project and can sort your projects by that time. This is especially useful if you would like to check when was the last time that a project got updates with new 360° progress images, instead of being modified in a different way.

Try out both improvements today and Happy Capturing!

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